Marthak software solutions providing address book software useful for all who have usage clients and ease to maintain their contact list using our software. Address Book (telephone directory ) software is a contact management software, wherewith you can note the addresses, birthdays, phone numbers, mobile, fax, company name, country, city, website address and email addresses of your contacts. You can store your partners data like the company name, register number, bank account number, tax number etc.You can create custom fields, where can store insurance information, loan data, hosting information etc.You can easy print list of contacts and details of selected contact.

      Address Book ( address management ) software is an easy to use contacts list. It simplifies keeping track of you addresses, and  provides robuts solutions with many powerful features that allow you to perform functions such as printing various size address books ,printing envelopes  and label sheet addressed to the people in your address book ( book manager  software, printing labels address to the people in your address book ( phone book software free download , and sending bulk e-mails and bulk SMS to the people in your address book ( telephone directory).

       Contact management software you can get a map and driving directions to the addresses in your address book, and you can display a reminder list of upcoming birthdays and anniversaries. The user interface is designed to provide ease of use when entering new records or updating existing records and also provides excel import and export functionality to bulk upload your existing data so ease of integration with data. Data entry is done on the primary window, so you can add and update records without having to jump from one screen to another. You can also generate bulk e-mail and bulk sms request or a driving directions request from the same primary window.

Features of  address book software (contact software for windows) 
  1. Label printing
  2. Send SMS
  3. Send Email
  4. Reminder system
  5. Import/export in excel
  6. Manage your client list with category
  7. City/Category wise filter
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